Baron Beach

Saturday 30 April 2011

Welcome to this blog again this time we will discuss about Yogyakarta again, and this time we will discuss about the beach baron. This beach is the south coast, or beach located in the Indian ocean. The beach is very beautiful, I am sure you will not be disappointed when visiting this beach. For more details, please read the details.

Chasing sound waves, a cool breeze blowing, blue ocean view in front of the eye and fishing boats resting in front of the beach, maybe the words are not enough to express how beautiful beach Baron. The atmosphere at this beach was very crowded because the holiday is still membersamai widths.

Baron Beach, the most popular beach diGunungkidul, because this beach is the first beach that will be encountered when visiting group of sea and land smack intimate, chic symbol of Gunung beach tourism. JajaranPantai Baron, Kukup Beach, Beach Along, Beach and Beach Sundakberderet Krakal there, pamper visitors will hubbub heart peace carrier wave.

Baron beach lies on the edge of the city of Jogjakarta, precisely in the area of ​​Gunung Kidul. To go to this place could use public transport or private vehicle. By paying Rp 5,000, -/orang, you can access the rows of beautiful beaches, such as Baron Beach, Beach Krakal, Krukup Beach, and Beach Sundak, and much more. Baron Beach is located in the Village Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, about 20 km south of the city Wonosari (40 km from Yogyakarta). Coast to witness the meeting between sea water and fresh water, which is the result of a river which empties in one corner of the beach baron, as a symbol of two hearts berpadunya although with different backgrounds.

The tourists will be pampered with a beauty that brought the wind waves tuk making out with a stretch of sand, so patiently waiting for her lover. The results Barron wealth like a big prawn (lobster), fish, white pomfret, snapper, tuna are ready to pamper guests, whether they are fresh and ready to eat. As a recommendation, here is a menu mainstay Snapper Soup.

One moment missed is very dear Alms Sea Ceremony organized by the local fishing community suro every month in Javanese calendar, as an expression of gratitude to Almighty God for an abundance of seafood that has been given.

There you are allowed to mingle with the waves that are ready to hit. However, you are prohibited from swimming at the beach because sometimes all of a sudden a big wave coming and you can drag. Sand beach that can be formed can be utilized for those of you who do not want to get wet. Other privileges, you can see children running toward the sea cucumbers to the beach, as if to feel the joy with you. There is also a place to see the beauty of the sea from the top of the hill.

Once satisfied, you can taste various dishes seafood catches of the fishermen on this coast or just buy souvenirs fried shrimp, peanut brittle seaweed has a high nutrition, peanut brittle "retreat-retreat" of the sea, shrimp and peanut brittle at a price that can be nego.

Do not you miss coming to this beach during a visit to Yogyakarta. Happy Holidays.

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