Tangkuban Perahu

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Welcome to the blog of the archipelago, on occasion this time we  will re-visit to Central Java, and at this time we will discuss about the Tangkuban Perahu. For detailed explanation  please  go read it.

Tangkuban Parahu is one tourist attraction located in the southern district. Subang, located at an altitude of 2084 m above sea level. The beauty of nature with a row of craters that stretches and cool mountain air and stretch typical of other mountains towering around it and the many collections of herbs and plants typical of tropical forest that flourished around the crater, making the mountain Tangkuban boat as an attractive tourist destination in Subang Regency.

Viewed from the city of Bandung, Tangkuban Mt has a unique shape that resembles a boat upside down (Bahasa Sunda: Tangkuban = inverted, Parahu = Boat). Unique shape is believed to have a very close connection with the story of legend Sangkuriang.

To go to these attractions, visitors can use a personal vehicle either 2 wheel or 4 wheel or public transportation. The travel time to attractions Sari Ater, namely of the town of Subang with travel time about 40 minutes south of Bandung, while around 50 minutes and from Jakarta via toll Sadang with travel time approximately 3 hours while the hot water attractions with travel time Ciater 15 min.

The condition of the road to this area, both from Subang and Bandung is very good. But keep in mind about the condition of the vehicle, due to the location from Bandung, Subang and going through a tough climb.

So do not hesitate to come to Indonesia, because in Indonesia there are many natural attractions, historical tours is very beautiful. I'm sure you will not regret it if it comes to Indonesia

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