Enchantment Olele Marine Park, Gorontalo

Thursday 26 May 2011

Sea is the largest section on this Earth, including in Indonesia, which has a wider ocean than land, Indonesia, which has a vast sea of ​​approximately 3,257,483 km ². When compared to the comparison land approximately 1:3 for the Mainland and Ocean Indonesia. The beauty of Indonesian marine was second to none. No wonder the Indonesian marine tourism always creates a sense of curiosity for those who like to marine tourism. Indonesia has so many tourist Bahari, one of which is Olele Marine Park, located in Gorontalo, Gorontalo province. Tourism Indonesia indeed attract every tourist, whether domestic or foreign. Not only the natural beauty of blue sea and the beauty of the land that stretches Green stretches, but also a variety of great views of the sea floor that you can enjoy in the Earth Indonesia. One of them contained in the Marine Park Olele.

Marine Park is located in the Village Olele Olele, District Kabila Bone, Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi. Precisely located about 20 km south of capital city of Gorontalo. If you ever visit the Bunaken Marine Park, about a scene like that is what will appear on the seabed which is captivating. However, this area looks more natural and dazzle every eye that sees. No wonder, because once you set foot there, dozens of dolphins seemed to welcome the joyful at sea level.

Olele plumbed the depths of the Sea, you can find a variety of beautiful corals that decorate the ocean floor. Blue ocean water looks clear, as if teasing the presence of each guest to try it. This place, it's always been a place visit the sea sports lovers from all over the world. Because, in this Olele Marine Park has a neighborhood that is still so natural. The beach is also not so crowded, when compared with other Marine Park. Olele Marine Park is so beautiful, the foreign tourists often visit the Marine Park Olele to adrenaline through diving and snorkeling.

For those who like sea sports, it seems this place will be a very suitable location for you. Because you can complete the diving and snorkeling in the sea is calm. Local government also has approved the area as an arena for Fun diving and scientific diving. Please relax and make yourself sepuas possible while in the Marine Park Olele. If you just want off fatigue, you can see dozens of beautiful marine life, the captivating beauty of marine parks can be seen by renting a boat glass, so you can enjoy the underwater paradise covering your eyes could see. So do not hesitate to come to Indonesia because Indonesians Heaven World Tour.

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