Tembi Tourism

Sunday 1 May 2011

Welcome to this blog again, on this occasion we will discuss about the special region of Yogyakarta and which I will write on this occasion is Tembi Tourism Village. This village is one village in Bantul Yogyakarta precisely in Yogyakarta Special Region.

Tembi Tourism is the name of a village in the South of Yogyakarta is about 4 km south of Yogyakarta city, precisely located in the hamlet of Tembi, village Timbulharjo, Sewon Bantul district of Yogyakarta Special Region.

The name of the village was later adapted into a cultural institution Tembi Culture House (House of Culture Tembi) occupies 3000 m2 of land, has facilities including: Hall, Room Gallery, Library and Reading Room Library, Cultural Documentation Home.

At first the home culture is Tembi Field Studies Institute for Asian Studies of Java in 1994 was in Surakarta. In 1995 the institute moved to the hamlet Tembi Yogyakarta tourism.

The complex houses Tembi culture is one of the tourist village Tembi containing the museum, library, gallery, hall, pringgitan, Javanese cultural encyclopedia and the office was inaugurated in 1999 at the initiative of P. Swantoro Cultural Foundation under the management of Java. Given this cultural house expected visitors get useful information about Javanese culture.

Inside the museum is stored Tembi traditional tools such as a weapon, a dagger, kitchen equipment, agriculture. It can also be viewed images of Javanese life cycle such as mitoni, tedhak siten, tetakan, supitan, manten.

There are also videos of traditional art performances, puppet, kethoprak, campursari, gejog mortar, dance, ndolalak, keroncong. There's also a collection of keris, cundrik, spears and swords, amounting 300buah. Can we see also the books, manuscripts and old recipes of traditional cuisine of Java.
So come in too Indonesia. Because in Indonesia many beautiful Place.

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