
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Welcome to the blog of the archipelago, on occasion this time we will re-visit the island of Bali, and at this time we will discuss about Bedugul. For detailed explanation please go read it and hopefully the information I convey no benefit.

Tourism objects located in the district of Tabanan Bedugul and located approximately 70 km or about 2.5 hours from Ngurah Rai.Bedugul offers a soothing atmosphere of the hills and the beauty of the lake Tamablingan.Bedugul located at an altitude 1250 meters above sea level, Bedugul berhawa cool. Not surprisingly, this region has long been known as a resort. In colonial times, many Dutch people who build a rest house there with a view overlooking the lake. Now, local communities also build resorts there. There are to be used alone, some are disewakan.Wisata Indonesia Paradise

Bedugul is actually the name of a village. But people often mistakenly with a word Bedugul. Some say Bedugul is the name of the lake, the name of the temple until the market name.
This assumption appears likely because apart from being a village, also is a complex Bedugul. In an area approximately 5 km in diameter, there is some kind of a cool place for a visit. Starting from his own village of Bedugul, Botanical Garden and Lake Beratan (the second largest lake in Bali), Ulun Danu, sampe Candi Kuning Traditional Market.

Kebon Raya is here quite large. Even if according to my own, very extensive. From end to end if walking could spend 20 minutes. Here there are hundreds of species of plants, ranging from beautiful flowers, lovely rich rose until yang'horo 'and barbed-thorns also exist.

Lake Beratan I think is also cool. In addition to fresh water, we can lease vehicles that can carry their own water all booked ato ama driver. Vehicles vary its own water. There is a rowing boat, motor boat until the boat engine.

Candikuning market is the best place to buy souvenirs, especially fruit. Bedugul is known maniac about fruit production. There are strawberries, corn, passion fruit, blah .. blah .. blah. All there is deh.

Actually, the most in Bedugul cool air was really cool. Then the landscape who can see almost all over Bali. Kalo in Java, Bedugul is probably something like Peak.

So do not hesitate to come to Indonesia, because in Indonesia there are many natural attractions, historical tours is very beautiful. I'm sure you will not regret it if it comes to Indonesia

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