Stone Bridge

Thursday 9 June 2011

Stone Bridge waterfall is approximately 6 km to the west of the village of Mede. Stone Bridge waterfall is located in North Halmahera, North Maluku. Actually, this waterfall is not too high, only about 10 meters. But the special is - as its name implies - bebatuannya shaped like a natural stone bridge. In addition, there is another mini waterfall that allows the activity of rock climbing. Its name was inspired from the form of unique rocks in front of him who formed a kind of natural stone bridge.

Privileges held adlah Stone Bridge lies not in the high that only about 10 meters, but rather the existence of another mini waterfall that is also found in the same location. It lies hidden and surrounded by dense forest make Stone Bridge waterfall as a tourist destination that appeals to your lover off the beaten path. This place is perfect for you lovers of rock climbing cliffs Because a lot in this Stone Bridge.

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