Samosir Island

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Samosir Island is famous for its beautiful natural scenery to be one who ogled a tourist destination for domestic and foreign travelers. However, maintaining the regional tourism in order to keep growing rapidly is not an easy matter. All of this must also be supported with the preservation of indigenous culture.

To support this mission, the District Government menghelat Samosir Samosir Horas local cultural festival Fiesta 2011 (HFS 2011) in May until September. Festival which has been initiated since 3 years is expected to foster community interest in preserving the culture typical Batak Naidoo.

Samosir Regent Ir. Simbolon Mangindar encountered in Building Enchantment Sapta said, Samosir regency which includes nine district represent the heart of Lake Toba and has a variety of tourist charm that is very strategic to be developed. We have a vision that makes the District Tourism Samosir regency. "All development program undertaken to support the tourism sector. Tourism-based environment (eco-tourism) became one of our advantages," said Mangindar, Thursday (26 / 5).

Mangindar said, to encourage the tourism industry so widely known and visited by tourists needed a variety of creative breakthrough, one of which preservation of indigenous culture by holding a positive activity such as HFS 2011. "This festival will be packed in a variety of cultural arts competition. With the element of competition, we hope to motivate the public to show the origin of arts and attractions can be increased," said Mangindar.

Various competitions include race Uning-uningan (Toba Batak traditional musical instrument), the trio hobo song contest, contest copyright songs, dance contest tor-tor, wood carving, until the race vocal group. While the peak of the 2011 HSF, cultural arts performances will be held in the form of mass-tor-tor who accompanied the group pargonsi 7 and 7-uningan Uning group, collaboration sordam, saga-saga, opera songs, folk songs Tapanuli, and delivery of gifts to 51 championship group and 21 individual champions. "The peak later in the month of September in Pangururan. We choose an appropriate date ie when the Eid holiday so expect more and more tourists could come," said Mangindar.

Mangindar added, Samosir regency government is currently targeting the culture-based programs because many young people who tend to leave their own culture. We are trying to encourage them to return conserve Batak culture. However, these were not enough with words, must direct practice coupled with creativity, he said while explaining that this festival also target young people who are members of various cultural arts groups.

Mangindar continued, it was established development cooperation forum, called Lake Toba Lake Toba Regional Management (LTRM) that focuses on sustainable tourism development in synergy. Lake Toba is the icon of the commons. "To strengthen the tourism industry, we are holding nine other districts to collaborate and work together to build tourism of Lake Toba," he said.

It is expected that tourists visit the area around Samosir regency could encourage the arrival of tourists to the North Sumatra province and other provinces. In the end, the echo of a grand title is also expected to be heard to reach out to other areas at the national level and even to foreign countries

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