Gunung Leuser National Park

Sunday 26 June 2011

Gunung Leuser National Park is commonly abbreviated TNGL is a representative type of coastal forest ecosystems, and tropical rain forest lowlands to the mountains and became one of the Nature Conservation Areas in Indonesia, covering an area of ​​1,094,692 hectares which are located in two government administration of Aceh and North Sumatra Province. Gunung Leuser National Park is one defined by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve. Based on the Indonesia-Malaysia, also designated as a "Sister Park" with the State Parks National Park in Malaysia. Aceh Province which includes TNGL terdeliniasi Southwest Aceh District, Aceh Selatan, Aceh Singkil, Aceh Tenggara, Gayo Lues, Aceh Tamiang, while North Sumatra Province which includes TNGL terdeliniasi Dairi, Karo and Langkat.

This national park takes its name from the towering Mount Leuser with a height of 3404 meters above sea level in Aceh. This national park includes the original ecosystem of the coast to high mountains covered by tropical rain forests typical dense, managed by the zoning system is utilized for the purpose of research, science, education, culture, tourism, and recreation.

Almost the entire area is covered by thick forest Dipterocarpaceae with some rivers and waterfalls. There are rare plants and typical of a giant umbrella leaf (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons), Raflesia flower (Rafflesia atjehensis and R. micropylora) and Rhizanthes zippelnii which is the largest flower with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In addition, there is a unique plant or plant strangler fig.

Endangered and protected animals found in national parks, among others, introspective / orangutan (Pongo abelii), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), forest goat (Capricornis sumatraensis), hornbill (Buceros bicornis), sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), and cats (Prionailurus bengalensis sumatrana).

Mount Leuser National Park has 3 (three) functions, namely: a. protection of life support systems; b. preservation of species diversity of plants and animals and their ecosystems; c. sustainable use of biological resources and ecosystems.

Formal judicial existence of Gunung Leuser National Park for the first time stated in the announcement of the Minister of Agriculture Number: 811/Kpts/Um/II/1980 dated March 6, 1980 on the inauguration of five (5) National Parks in Indonesia, namely TN.Gunung Leuser, TN . Ujung Kulon, TN. Gede Pangrango, TN. Baluran, and TN. Komodo. Based on the announcement of the Minister of Agriculture, the area designated TN. Gunung Leuser is 792,675 ha. The announcement was followed up by the Ministry of Agriculture Directorate General of Forestry Letter Number: 719/Dj/VII/1/80, dated March 7, 1980, addressed to the Sub Hall KPA Gunung Leuser. In the letter stated that the management authority granted TN status. Gunung Leuser to the Sub Hall KPA Gunung Leuser.

As the basic legality in conjunction with the inauguration of forest areas has issued Ministerial Decree number: 276/Kpts-II/1997 on the appointment of TN. Gunung Leuser area of ​​1,094,692 hectares located in the Special Province of Aceh and North Sumatra. The decision stated that the TN. Gunung Leuser consists of a combination of:
1. Gunung Leuser Wildlife Reserve: 416,500 ha
2. Kluet Wildlife Refuge: 20,000 acres
3. Wildlife West Langkat: 51,000 hectares
4. Wildlife South Langkat: 82,985 hectares
5. Sekundur Wildlife Refuge: 60,600 acres
6. Wildlife KAPPI: 142,800 hectares
7. Gurah Park: 9200 acres
8. Forest Protection and Limited Production Forest: 292,707 hectares

According to Regulation of the Minister of Forestry Number: P.03/Menhut-II/2007, TNGL is currently the manager of Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation (DG PHKA) Great Hall of the Ministry of Forestry of the Gunung Leuser National Park (BBTNGL) led by Head of Central (echelon II).

One of the objects and the Fascination Nature (ODTWA) famous in the region is TNGL Sumatran Orangutan Observation Centre - Bukit Lawang in Natural Area Tourism Bukit Lawang - Bohorok, Langkat, North Sumatra.

The other hand, the park also received attention because of the rampant cases of illegal felling of trees in some locations that violates the reservation environment.

Most of the area TNGL has a steep topography and soil structure and texture are prone to landslides. This was evident during the flood that destroyed the tourist area of ​​Bukit Lawang nature a few years ago. To further keep TNGL from further damage will be established an area known as the Leuser Ecosystem. The area which has an area covering 2.6 million hectares of this area is more flat around TNGL and serves as a buffer (buffer).

Some locations / attractions to visit:

  • Gurah. See and enjoy the scenery, canyons, hot springs, lakes, waterfalls, wildlife observation and plants such as flowers Raflesia, orangutans, birds, snakes and butterflies.
  • Bohorok. Place orangutan rehabilitation activities and natural attractions in the form of panoramic river, camping and bird watching.
  • Kluet. Boating on rivers and lakes, trekking in the coastal forest and cave tours. This area is the habitat of Sumatran tigers.
  • Sekundur. Camping, cave tours and wildlife observation.
  • Ketambe and Suak Carambola.
  • Research primates and other wildlife researcher who comes home and library.
  • Gunung Leuser (3404 m asl) and Mt. Pecan (3314 m asl). Climbing and mountaineering.
  • Rafting on the Alas River. Rafting of Gurah-Muara Situlen-wave for three days.
  • Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) Cultural attractions outside the Park is Lake Toba Festival in June at Lake Toba and Malay Culture Festival in July in Medan.
The best visiting season: June / d in October each year.

How to reach the location: Medan-Kutacane is ± 240 km or 8 hours by car, Kutacane-Gurah/Ketambe within ± 35 km or 30 minutes by car, Medan-Bohorok/Bukit Lawang is ± 60 km or 1 hour by car, Medan- Sei Betung / Sekundur is ± 150 km or 2 hours by car, Medan-Tapaktuan is ± 260 km or 10 hours by car.

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