Central Java is an Indonesian province located in the central part of Java Island. This province borders the province of West Java in the west, Indian Ocean and the Special Region of Yogyakarta on the south, East Java in the east, and the Java Sea to the north. Its area is 32,548 sq km, or about 25.04% of the size of Java island. Central Java province also includes the island of Nusakambangan in the south (near the border with West Java), and Java Karimun Islands in the Java Sea.
Definition of Central Java are geographically and culturally sometimes also includes the region of Yogyakarta Special Region. Central Java is known as the "heart" of Javanese culture. Nevertheless in this province there are also other tribes who have a different culture with tribes such as the Sundanese of Java on the border with West Java. In addition there are Chinese-Indonesian citizens, the Arab-India-Indonesia and Indonesia, which spread throughout the province. And this time we visited the district kendal first. We will discuss about the waterfall Sewu Kendal, for more details see keerangan below.

Name Sewu Waterfallis taken from the name of the village where the waterfall is located, namely the village of Waterfall Sewu Patean precisely in the District, located 40 km from the city to bypass the town of Kendal and Sukorejo Weleri first. Sewu waterfall waterfall has its own distinctive and unique compared to other waterfall, with a total height of 45 meters consisting of 3 plunge, each having a height of 45 meters, 15 meters and 20 meters. To provide care and comfort to the visitors, in the vicinity of the location of waterfalls waterfall Sewu been equipped with a recreation park, a zoo with a collection of diverse wildlife, other auxiliary facilities such as stage entertainment, children's playground and various other facilities like a mini train, jet coasters, and swimming pool with national standards.
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